
Complimentary chemistry and tank mix adjuvants to enhance crop protection
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De Sangosse Adjuvants

De Sangosse are a leading supplier of complimentary chemistry and tank mix adjuvants to enhance crop protection products.

The De Sangosse Adjuvants Video Report

When applied in combination with pre-emergence herbicides, De Sangosse Adjuvants help to improve the bio-availability of the herbicides to the target weeds. This is achieved through a number of functions outlined in this video...

avatar for De Sangosse Adjuvants Crop Spray Enhancers
  De Sangosse Adjuvants

  Dramatically improve your herbicide efficacy

What are Adjuvants?

Adjuvants positively influence all aspects of the spraying process.

They ensure pesticides are applied efficiently as they journey from Point A - the spray tank, to Point B - the target site of action. Adjuvants are spray management tools which help maximise the performance of plant protection products.

Adjuvants perform specific functions which enhance pesticide effectiveness and minimise spray problems through an optimised application process.

No single adjuvant can perform the full range of required functions, so it’s important to have knowledge of the identified problems and the properties of the required adjuvant to effectively overcome spray issues.

Our Position on Trials

Our adjuvant products undergo an extensive field trials program before being placed on the market.

We use independent, ORETO certified contractors to conduct replicated field trials and verify their efficacy prior to launch. Our comprehensive data set allows us to confidently inform advisors and end users on how to get the best effects from our products.

Adjuvants are regulated products

Like pesticides, all adjuvants must be authorised for use by CRD before they can be placed on the market.

End users must follow each product’s statutory conditions of use to remain legally compliant in the application of adjuvants. You can contact us directly if you have questions on the legal use of our products.

organic certification

The HSE List of Adjuvants

The Official List of Adjuvants includes all List Entries for use in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Follow the link below to open the CRD Adjuvant database in a new tab, where you can view the product List Entries

Adjuvant Database

Adjuvant Academy

As a business, adjuvants are in our DNA.

Through the development of our adjuvant portfolio we have developed unrivalled expertise on adjuvant use which we share with advisors and end users of our products. More than 100 agronomists have been through our Academy!

Looking for product information?

We continually strive to innovate and adapt our extensive product range according to the needs of UK farmers, which means we are continually updating our technical information. As such we do not store product information on our website.

For information, please complete the request form below.

Rob Suckling

Commercial Technical Manager

Need product labels, MSDS, or technical literature?

For product labels, MSDS, or technical literature on De Sangosse products please fill out the request form below

Request Form

De Sangosse Ltd

De Sangosse House
Goodwin Business Park
Willie Snaith Road, Newmarket
Suffolk     |     CB8 7SQ



01223 811215






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