Learn about the DeSangosse product range. Have a browse and find one of our agricultural solutions to help you increase your yield
/var/www/www.desangosse.co.uk/legacy-content/index.php:209:string '/products/molluscicides' (length=23)
/var/www/www.desangosse.co.uk/legacy-content/index.php:211:string '/news/2016/12/10/de-sangosse-appoints-new-uk-technical-manager' (length=62)
/var/www/www.desangosse.co.uk/legacy-content/index.php:213: array (size=5) 'id' => int 0 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/default' (length=44) 'content_notes' => string 'This is default content for fallback' (length=36) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<h1>No content found for this DeSangosse Product</h1>' (length=53)
/var/www/www.desangosse.co.uk/legacy-content/index.php:215: array (size=60) 0 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 6 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/downpore' (length=53) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string 'ESJF: page seems empty but there was some info inside HTML comments' (length=67) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Adjuvants</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>DownPore</h1> <p>DownPore - turf water manager.</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="downloads"> <!-- <p>Sorry, their ar'... (length=4347) 'page_hits' => string '8258' (length=4) 1 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 7 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/nutrition' (length=46) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h1>Nutrition</h1> <div id="mce_content"> <p>Crop performance and farm profitability is largely determined by the plant’s ability to satisfy its nutritional needs. Failure to meet these needs will result in increased disease, lower pest tolerance and reduced performance, for both quality and output.</p> <p>Supported by more than 30 years of research and development, De Sangosse is a recognised leader in speciality nutrition products. Our range of micronutrients and '... (length=1690) 'page_hits' => string '17654' (length=5) 2 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 8 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/nutrition/micronutrients' (length=61) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <div id="side_links"> </div> <h1>Micronutrients</h1> <div class="main-text"> <section class="image-column"> <div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/categories/large/267435510_leaf.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/categories/main/267435510_leaf.jpg" alt=""></a> <h6><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> enlarge image</h6> </div> <script> $(function(){ $('.image-link h6').click(function() { $(this).siblings('a.'... (length=2532) 'page_hits' => null 3 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 9 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/seed-treatments' (length=52) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h1>Seed Treatments</h1> <div id="mce_content"> <p>Seed treatments have become a vital tool in optimising the performance of plants used in modern crop production.</p> <p> </p> <p>Ever since the ancient Egyptians began soaking seed in the sap of onion or cypress man has sought to enhance germination rates and boost plant establishment by giving the young seedling the best possible start.</p> <p>Modern seed treatments have evolved considerably since the time of th'... (length=1717) 'page_hits' => null 4 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 10 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/spray-enhancers' (length=52) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string 'DSRS: De sangosse adjuvant Academy' (length=34) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <img id="h2know" src="/images/general/h2know.jpg" alt="H2Know" usemap="#email-map" style="margin-bottom:20px"> <map name="email-map" id="email-map"> <area alt="" href="mailto:h2know@desangosse.co.uk" shape="rect" coords="316,470,622,512" style="outline:none;" target="_self"> </map> <h1>Spray Enhancers</h1> <div id="mce_content"> <p>Spray enhancers play an essential role in improving the biological performance of agrochemicals.</p> <p>Broadly speaking spray enha'... (length=3553) 'page_hits' => null 5 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 11 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/designer' (length=53) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Adjuvants</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Designer</h1> <p>An emulsifiable concentrate formulation containing 25.0% w/w styrene-butadiene co-polymer and 8.44% polyalkyleneoxide modified heptamethyl trisiloxane.</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></l'... (length=7500) 'page_hits' => null 6 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 12 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/radiate' (length=52) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Radiate</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Radiate</h1> <p>A root development seed treatment for cereals and OSR, containing ZC-technology.</p> <p>For further information, please contact De Sangosse</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> '... (length=3396) 'page_hits' => null 7 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 13 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/drill' (length=50) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Adjuvants</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Drill</h1> <p>A methylated rapeseed oil with an optimised wetter system for the best grass-weed control possible.</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div clas'... (length=7675) 'page_hits' => null 8 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 14 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/bond' (length=49) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Adjuvants</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Bond</h1> <p>What is Bond? </p> <p>A non-ionic emulsifiable concentrate containing 45% w/w styrene butadiene co-polymer and 10% w/w alcohol alkoxylate.</p> <p>What does it do?</p> <p>Absorbs the impact of the droplet on the target and imparts a stickiness to the surface enabling increased deposition without run-off.</p> <p>• Increases deposition.</p> <p>• Works with conv'... (length=7879) 'page_hits' => null 9 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 15 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/torpedo' (length=52) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Adjuvants</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Torpedo-II</h1> <p>A multi functional adjuvant.</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="downloads"> <p>Adobe Acrobat PDFs '... (length=6239) 'page_hits' => null 10 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 16 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/activator' (length=54) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Adjuvants</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Activator 90</h1> <p>Non-ionic wetting agent:</p> <ul> <li>Improves pesticide performance.</li> <li>Reduces drift.</li> <li>Improves retention.</li> <li>Has a built-in anti-foam/defoamer.</li> <li>There is no risk of over wetting and run-off.</li> </ul> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <'... (length=8650) 'page_hits' => null 11 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 17 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/pod-sealers' (length=48) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h1>Pod Sealers</h1> <div id="mce_content"> <p>Pod sealers protect the yield of vulnerable crops, such as oilseed rape, peas and beans, by reducing the incidence of pod shatter.</p> <p>Losses as a result of pod shatter either in the weeks following plant senescence or at the point of harvesting were once considered an unavoidable consequence of growing these crops, but the introduction of pod sealers has challenged conventional thinking.</p> <div class="contHidden" st'... (length=1265) 'page_hits' => null 12 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 18 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/li-700' (length=51) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string 'DSRS: Replaced by Validate' (length=26) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Adjuvants</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Li-700</h1> <p>An unique penentrating, translocating and acidifying adjuvant.</p> <ul> <li> <p>Increases Penetration.</p> </li> <li> <p>Improves Efficacy.</p> </li> <li> <p>Speeds Uptake.</p> </li> <li> <p>Increases Rainfastness.</p> </li> <li> <p>Reduces Drift.</p> </li> </ul> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Dow'... (length=7509) 'page_hits' => null 13 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 19 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/silwet' (length=51) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Adjuvants</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Silwet L-77</h1> <p>The super-wetter:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Maximum coverage of large target plants.</p> </li> <li> <p>Improved pesticide retention.</p> </li> <li> <p>Faster drying on leaf surface.</p> </li> <li> <p>Increased distribution of soil applied products.</p> </li> <li> <p>Reduced spray volume per ha.</p> </li> </ul> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active'... (length=8477) 'page_hits' => null 14 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 20 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/validate' (length=53) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Adjuvants</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Validate</h1> <p>A unique penetrating and translocating adjuvant.</p> <p>An emulsifiable concentrate containing 50% w/w lecithin, 25% w/w esterified vegetable oil and 25% w/w alcohol ethoxylate.</p> <p>For use only as an agricultural / horticultural / forestry wetting agent and adjuvant oil.</p> <p>For further information, please contact De Sangosse.</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="n'... (length=7201) 'page_hits' => null 15 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 21 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/stika' (length=50) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string 'DSRS: re-direct to Bond' (length=23) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Adjuvants</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Stika</h1> <p>An emulsifiable concentrate containing 22.5% w/w styrene butadiene co-polymer and 10% w/w alcohol alkoxylate.</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> '... (length=7286) 'page_hits' => null 16 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 22 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/spraymac' (length=53) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string 'DSRS: No longer selling' (length=23) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Adjuvants</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Spraymac</h1> <p>An acidified non-ionic wetter.</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="downloads"> <p>Adobe Acrobat PDFs '... (length=7686) 'page_hits' => null 17 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 23 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/synchro' (length=52) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Water Conditioners</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Synchro</h1> <p>An agricultural, amenity, horticultural and forestry water conditioner.</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane activ'... (length=5242) 'page_hits' => null 18 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 24 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/nutrition/starter-fertilisers' (length=66) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <div id="side_links"> </div> <h1>Starter Fertilisers</h1> <div class="main-text"> <section class="image-column"> <div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/categories/large/138434975_size-matters.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/categories/main/138434975_size-matters.jpg" alt=""></a> <h6><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> enlarge image</h6> </div> <div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/categories/large/276869951_start'... (length=4624) 'page_hits' => null 19 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 25 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/seed-treatments/radiate' (length=60) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <div id="side_links"> </div> <h1>Radiate</h1> <div class="main-text"> <section class="image-column"> <script> $(function(){ $('.image-link h6').click(function() { $(this).siblings('a.fb').trigger('click'); }) }); </script> <script> $(function() { $('.fancybox-media').fancybox({ openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none', helpers : { media : {} } }); $('.video-link h6'... (length=3023) 'page_hits' => null 20 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 26 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/molluscicides/ironmax-pro' (length=62) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <div id="side_links"> </div> <h1>Ironmax Pro</h1> <div class="main-text"> <section class="image-column"> <div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/categories/large/211526881_ironmax-graph.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/categories/main/211526881_ironmax-graph.jpg" alt=""></a> <h6><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> enlarge image</h6> </div> <div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/categories/large/127399522_desangosse-'... (length=3122) 'page_hits' => null 21 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 27 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/nutrition/zc-technology' (length=60) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <div id="side_links"> </div> <h1>ZC-Technology</h1> <div class="main-text"> <section class="image-column"> <div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/categories/large/133666362_zc-droplet.jpeg.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/categories/main/133666362_zc-droplet.jpeg.jpg" alt=""></a> <h6><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> enlarge image</h6> </div> <script> $(function(){ $('.image-link h6').click(function() { '... (length=2323) 'page_hits' => null 22 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 28 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/molluscicides/placebo-pellet' (length=65) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <div id="side_links"> </div> <h1>Placebo-Pellet™</h1> <div class="main-text"> <section class="image-column"> <div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/categories/large/148068348_pellets.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/categories/main/148068348_pellets.jpg" alt=""></a> <h6><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> enlarge image</h6> </div> <script> $(function(){ $('.image-link h6').click(function() { $(this).sib'... (length=2012) 'page_hits' => null 23 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 29 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/seed-treatments/nms' (length=56) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <div id="side_links"> </div> <h1>NMS</h1> <div class="main-text"> <section class="image-column"> <div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/categories/large/102820137_nms-comparison.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/categories/main/102820137_nms-comparison.jpg" alt=""></a> <h6><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> enlarge image</h6> </div> <div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/categories/large/1336661787_nms-manganese-de'... (length=3463) 'page_hits' => null 24 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 30 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/zinc-extra' (length=55) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Micronutrients</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Zinc Extra</h1> <p>15% w/v elemental Zinc + 4% w/v elemental Nitrogen (as Nitrate N)</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="'... (length=6541) 'page_hits' => null 25 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 31 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/ultraman-420' (length=57) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Micronutrients</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Ultraman 420</h1> <p>420 g/litre Manganese, 110 g/litre Nitrogen, 118 g/litre Sulphur</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id='... (length=7115) 'page_hits' => null 26 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 32 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/spray-enhancers/adjuvants' (length=62) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string 'DSRS: Send to Adjuvant Academy page' (length=35) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <div id="side_links"> </div> <h1>Adjuvants</h1> <div class="main-text"> <section class="image-column"> <div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/categories/large/148518199_adjuvents-humectant.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/categories/main/148518199_adjuvents-humectant.jpg" alt=""></a> <h6><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> enlarge image</h6> </div> <div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/categories/large/121514890_a'... (length=3241) 'page_hits' => null 27 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 33 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/ironmax-pro' (length=56) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Ironmax Pro</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Ironmax Pro</h1> <p>Advanced wet process, durum wheat ferric phosphate slug pellet</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="downl'... (length=7269) 'page_hits' => null 28 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 34 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/manganese-extra' (length=60) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Micronutrients</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Manganese Extra</h1> <p>235 g litre Manganese + 120 g litre Nitrogen</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="downloads"> '... (length=7012) 'page_hits' => null 29 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 35 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/x-change' (length=53) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Water Conditioners</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>X-Change</h1> <p>A proprietary water conditioning agent with four functions:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Added to the water in the spray tank before the pesticide, X-Change acts sacrificially to form irreversible complexes with cation.</p> </li> <li> <p>Lowers the pH of the spray solution to around 4.6.</p> </li> <li> <p>Has humectant properties.</p> </li> <li> <p>Built in anti-foam to ensure '... (length=6022) 'page_hits' => null 30 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 36 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/trail-tracks' (length=57) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Bout Markers</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Trail-Tracks</h1> <p>A foam bout marker.</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="downloads"> <p>Adobe Acrobat PDFs - do'... (length=4192) 'page_hits' => null 31 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 37 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/manganese-ultra' (length=60) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Micronutrients</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Manganese Ultra</h1> <p>500 g litre Manganese Carbonate</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="downloads"> <p>Adobe '... (length=6541) 'page_hits' => null 32 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 38 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/sa-60' (length=50) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Micronutrients</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>SA-60</h1> <p>34% w/v Sulphur + 14% w/v Nitrogen</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="downloads"> <p>Adobe Acrobat'... (length=6804) 'page_hits' => null 33 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 39 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/pod-stik' (length=53) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Pod-Stik</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Pod-Stik</h1> <p>A unique polymer blend, specifically developed to dramatically reduce the quantity of seed shed from seed pods shattering before and during harvest.</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> -'... (length=9312) 'page_hits' => null 34 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 40 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/magnesium-extra' (length=60) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Micronutrients</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Magnesium Extra</h1> <p>An inorganic micronutrient for foliar application. Prevents and corrects Magnesium deficiency in all arable crops.</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div cla'... (length=6772) 'page_hits' => null 35 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 41 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/magnesium-ultra' (length=60) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Micronutrients</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Magnesium Ultra</h1> <p class="size-10-regular">20% w/v litre Magnesium</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="downloads"> '... (length=6440) 'page_hits' => null 36 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 42 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/spray-enhancers/water-conditioners' (length=71) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <div id="side_links"> </div> <h1>Water Conditioners</h1> <div class="main-text"> <section class="image-column"> <script> $(function(){ $('.image-link h6').click(function() { $(this).siblings('a.fb').trigger('click'); }) }); </script> <script> $(function() { $('.fancybox-media').fancybox({ openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none', helpers : { media : {} } }); $('.vi'... (length=3061) 'page_hits' => null 37 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 43 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/pod-sealers/pod-stik' (length=57) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <div id="side_links"> </div> <h1>Pod-Stik</h1> <div class="main-text"> <section class="image-column"> <script> $(function(){ $('.image-link h6').click(function() { $(this).siblings('a.fb').trigger('click'); }) }); </script> <script> $(function() { $('.fancybox-media').fancybox({ openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none', helpers : { media : {} } }); $('.video-link h'... (length=5260) 'page_hits' => null 38 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 44 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/pod-stik' (length=36) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <div id="side_links"> </div> <h1>Pod-Stik</h1> <div class="main-text"> <section class="image-column"> <script> $(function(){ $('.image-link h6').click(function() { $(this).siblings('a.fb').trigger('click'); }) }); </script> <script> $(function() { $('.fancybox-media').fancybox({ openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none', helpers : { media : {} } }); $('.video-link h'... (length=5260) 'page_hits' => null 39 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 45 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/spray-enhancers/anti-foams' (length=63) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <div id="side_links"> </div> <h1>Anti-foams</h1> <div class="main-text"> <section class="image-column"> <div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/categories/large/78657695_foam.png" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/categories/main/78657695_foam.png" alt=""></a> <h6><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> enlarge image</h6> </div> <script> $(function(){ $('.image-link h6').click(function() { $(this).siblings('a.fb').t'... (length=1791) 'page_hits' => null 40 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 46 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/cropspray%2011' (length=59) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Adjuvants</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Newman Cropspray 11-E</h1> <p>A 99% mineral/paraffinic oil.</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="downloads"> <p>Adobe A'... (length=9129) 'page_hits' => null 41 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 47 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/phase%20ii' (length=55) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Adjuvants</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Phase-II</h1> <p>• A methylated rapeseed oil.<br>• Effective at lower rates of use than mineral oils.<br>• Performance matches standards & often exceeds them.<br>• Crop safety equal or better than mineral oils.</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="'... (length=7146) 'page_hits' => null 42 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 48 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/spray-enhancers/bout-markers' (length=65) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <div id="side_links"> </div> <h1>Bout Markers</h1> <div class="main-text"> <section class="image-column"> <div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/categories/large/133715720_trailtrackslogosfinal.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/categories/main/133715720_trailtrackslogosfinal.jpg" alt=""></a> <h6><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> enlarge image</h6> </div> <script> $(function(){ $('.image-link h6').click(function() { '... (length=2310) 'page_hits' => null 43 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 49 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/tank-equipment-cleaner' (length=67) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Tank Cleaners</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Tank & Equipment Cleaner</h1> <p>Tank and Equipment cleaner is ideal for cleaning the inside and outside of sprayers including residues of pendimethalin with some mechanical assistance.</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="'... (length=6104) 'page_hits' => null 44 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 50 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/spray-enhancers/tank-cleaners' (length=66) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <div id="side_links"> </div> <h1>Tank Cleaners</h1> <div class="main-text"> <section class="image-column"> <script> $(function(){ $('.image-link h6').click(function() { $(this).siblings('a.fb').trigger('click'); }) }); </script> <script> $(function() { $('.fancybox-media').fancybox({ openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none', helpers : { media : {} } }); $('.video-l'... (length=1270) 'page_hits' => null 45 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 51 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/blue-marker-dye' (length=60) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">Blue Marker Dye</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>Blue Marker Dye</h1> <p>Blue Marker Dye.</p> <p><br>Blue Marker Dye is a soluble liquid, highly concentrated, non-permanent blue dye.</p> <p>Blue Marker Dye is safe to use with all approved pesticides where treated areas need to be clearly identified to prevent repeat treatment or misses during application.</p> <p><strong>Compatibilities</strong><br>With all pesticide formulations exce'... (length=4680) 'page_hits' => null 46 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 53 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/news/2013/08/12/pulse-crops-worth-protecting' (length=72) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h1>Pulse crops worth protecting</h1> <dl class="byline"> <dt>posted on:</dt><dd>12th August 2013</dd> <dt>posted by:</dt><dd>Andrew</dd> </dl> <section class="image-column"><div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/news/large/76458082_field-beans-021_small.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/news/main/76458082_field-beans-021_small.jpg" alt="Pulse crops worth protecting"></a> <h6><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> enlarge image</h6> </div>'... (length=8136) 'page_hits' => null 47 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 56 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/details/new%20manganese%20solution' (length=71) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h2 class="faux-title">NMS</h2> <article class="product-detail"> <h1>New Manganese Solution</h1> <p>A true liquid, non dusty cereal seed treatment containing 125 g/L of Manganese Nitrate, giving uniform coverage and excellent adhesion.</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#downloads" data-toggle="tab">Downloads</a></li> <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#specification" data-toggle="tab">Specification</a></li> --> '... (length=3602) 'page_hits' => null 48 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 57 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/news/2012/08/24/new-msg-flyer' (length=57) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h1>New MSG flyer</h1> <dl class="byline"> <dt>posted on:</dt><dd>24th August 2012</dd> <dt>posted by:</dt><dd></dd> </dl> <section class="image-column"> <script> $(function(){ $('.image-link h6').click(function() { $(this).siblings('a.fb').trigger('click'); }) }); </script> <script> $(function() { $('.fancybox-media').fancybox({ openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none', helpers : { media : {}'... (length=5766) 'page_hits' => null 49 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 58 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/news/2014/07/28/inspect-stubbles-for-slug-pressure' (length=78) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h1>Inspect stubbles for slug pressure</h1> <dl class="byline"> <dt>posted on:</dt><dd>28th July 2014</dd> <dt>posted by:</dt><dd>Andrew</dd> </dl> <section class="image-column"><div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/news/large/78156196_slug.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/news/main/78156196_slug.jpg" alt="Inspect stubbles for slug pressure"></a> <h6><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> enlarge image</h6> </div> <script> $(function('... (length=9539) 'page_hits' => null 50 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 59 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/news/2015/08/11/new-ferric-phosphate-molluscicide-approved' (length=86) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h1>New ferric phosphate molluscicide approved</h1> <dl class="byline"> <dt>posted on:</dt><dd>11th August 2015</dd> <dt>posted by:</dt><dd>Andrew</dd> </dl> <section class="image-column"><div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/news/large/143932356_slug-on-oilseed-rape-coteyledon_1.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/news/main/143932356_slug-on-oilseed-rape-coteyledon_1.jpg" alt="New ferric phosphate molluscicide approved"></a> <h6><i'... (length=8018) 'page_hits' => null 51 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 60 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/news/2013/03/26/prepare-for-the-spring-slug-threat' (length=78) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h1>Prepare for the spring slug threat</h1> <dl class="byline"> <dt>posted on:</dt><dd>26th March 2013</dd> <dt>posted by:</dt><dd>Andrew</dd> </dl> <section class="image-column"> <script> $(function(){ $('.image-link h6').click(function() { $(this).siblings('a.fb').trigger('click'); }) }); </script> <script> $(function() { $('.fancybox-media').fancybox({ openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none', '... (length=9198) 'page_hits' => null 52 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 61 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/news/2014/07/07/boost-mycotoxin-control-with-designer' (length=81) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h1>Boost mycotoxin control with Designer</h1> <dl class="byline"> <dt>posted on:</dt><dd>7th July 2014</dd> <dt>posted by:</dt><dd>Andrew</dd> </dl> <section class="image-column"><div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/news/large/70237276_wheat-in-ear.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/news/main/70237276_wheat-in-ear.jpg" alt="Boost mycotoxin control with Designer"></a> <h6><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> enlarge image</h6> </div> <'... (length=10663) 'page_hits' => null 53 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 62 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/news/2012/12/07/cold-weather-reduces-slug-threat' (length=76) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h1>Cold weather reduces slug threat</h1> <dl class="byline"> <dt>posted on:</dt><dd>7th December 2012</dd> <dt>posted by:</dt><dd>Andrew</dd> </dl> <section class="image-column"> <script> $(function(){ $('.image-link h6').click(function() { $(this).siblings('a.fb').trigger('click'); }) }); </script> <script> $(function() { $('.fancybox-media').fancybox({ openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none', '... (length=7649) 'page_hits' => null 54 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 63 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/news/2017/11/24/dry-springs-threaten-spring-barley-performance' (length=90) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h1>Dry springs threaten spring barley performance</h1> <dl class="byline"> <dt>posted on:</dt><dd>24th November 2017</dd> <dt>posted by:</dt><dd>Andrew</dd> </dl> <section class="image-column"><div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/news/large/94470202_radiate-treated-wheat-roots-31-days-after-sowing.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/news/main/94470202_radiate-treated-wheat-roots-31-days-after-sowing.jpg" alt="Dry springs threaten s'... (length=8499) 'page_hits' => null 55 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 64 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/news/2014/10/03/end-of-summer-raises-slug-threat' (length=76) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h1>End of summer raises slug threat</h1> <dl class="byline"> <dt>posted on:</dt><dd>3rd October 2014</dd> <dt>posted by:</dt><dd>Andrew</dd> </dl> <section class="image-column"><div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/news/large/94156087_slug.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/news/main/94156087_slug.jpg" alt="End of summer raises slug threat"></a> <h6><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> enlarge image</h6> </div> <script> $(function(){'... (length=8524) 'page_hits' => null 56 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 65 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/news/2018/03/25/getting-the-most-from-your-water' (length=76) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string '' (length=0) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h1>Getting the most from your water</h1> <dl class="byline"> <dt>posted on:</dt><dd>25th March 2018</dd> <dt>posted by:</dt><dd>Andrew</dd> </dl> <section class="image-column"><div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/news/large/80104393_water-conditioning-flow-diagram.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/news/main/80104393_water-conditioning-flow-diagram.jpg" alt="Getting the most from your water"></a> <h6><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i'... (length=14975) 'page_hits' => null 57 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 66 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/news/2012/12/12/radiate-the-seed-treatment-of-winners' (length=81) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => null 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h1>Radiate: the seed treatment of winners</h1> <dl class="byline"> <dt>posted on:</dt><dd>12th December 2012</dd> <dt>posted by:</dt><dd>Andrew</dd> </dl> <section class="image-column"><div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/news/large/123211236_central-bedfordshire-20120502-00013.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/news/main/123211236_central-bedfordshire-20120502-00013.jpg" alt="Radiate: the seed treatment of winners"></a> <h6><i c'... (length=9092) 'page_hits' => null 58 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 67 'content_url' => string 'http://www.desangosse.co.uk/products/molluscicides/tds' (length=54) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string 'ESJF: added as it was featured in top navigation' (length=48) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <div id="side_links"> <a href="http://twitter.com/#!/sammy_the_slug"><img src="../../images/general/twitter_long.png"></a></div> <h1>TDS</h1> <div class="main-text"> <section class="image-column"> <div class="image-link"> <a href="/images/general/categories/large/89110861_tds.jpg" class="fb" rel="gallery"><img src="/images/general/categories/main/89110861_tds.jpg" alt=""></a> <h6><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> enlarge image</h6> </div> <div class="image-li'... (length=4574) 'page_hits' => null 59 => array (size=7) 'id' => int 68 'content_url' => string 'http://desangosse.co.uk/products/molluscicides' (length=46) 'image_url' => null 'content_notes' => string 'ESJF: added as it is a main product page ' (length=41) 'content_status' => string 'legacy_content' (length=14) 'content_main_html' => string '<section id="content" class="span16"> <h1>Molluscicides</h1> <div style="margin-right: -41px;"><img class="img-responsive" src="/images/general/molluscicides/intro-image.jpg" alt="Kill slugs simply and efficiently"></div> <div style="margin-top: -50px; width: 60%;"> <p>The key to successful slug control is down to the quality of the bait. Bait quality is determined by four characteristics:</p> </div> <div class="row" style="margin-top: 20px;"> <div class="span6"><a class="fb-inline" href="#block1-content"'... (length=5899) 'page_hits' => null
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The DeSangosse family is steeped in tradition of achieving excellence in the field. Part of what makes us so unique is our rich history and company structure.
We are the indisputed leaders in the prevention of crop damage through a combination of Integrated Pest Managment and advice on the application and use of bait when necessary