Ensure the potential of your OSR with Pod-Stik

Rely on Pod-Stik to secure your OSR yields, with a benefit of up to 0.5 t/ha* – worth around £110**.

That massively outweighs the losses you could suffer through pod shatter, including all the investment you’ve made in the crop.

Apply early

Pod-Stik’s extended protection enables OSR to grow to maturity. You can apply Pod-Stik on its own or with your usual desiccant.

Stay flexible

Some OSR is progressing patchily this season. Pod-Stik lets the whole crop catch up: harvest when you want and easily work round weather delays.

Learn more

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* Independent trials, NDSM, SACCS, NIAB/TAG, ADAS 2011-15, Velcourt

** May 2016

pod-stik field